Partner With Us

This work is no ordinary work! Ordinary means can’t achieve anything lasting. Often the journey is lonely. Therefore we and our families and our mission need prayer partners who’ll plead on our behalf as we stand to represent Christ Jesus through our walk and our talk!


As we face hostile audiences, challenging questions, as we prepare to preach and teach, as we research, write and produce content. As we try to balance the demands of the call with family, finances, priorities and responsibilities. As we interact among the members of our team and harness every talent, ability, gift, temperaments, timelines, ideas, methods to model Christ to each other and to the world. We need prayers!


Many prayers!! For passion, for conviction, for character, for resilience, for effective proclamation, for goldy partnerships, divine protection and providence!


Much prayers!!!

We in India culturally are bad at projecting and promoting self. As a Christian that is a very noble virtue as I see it, a safety net against potential deceit and conceit. So if the work we do for Christ as you discern it is genuine, please do share our work. In the social media parlance of this era – “please do like, share,  subscribe and follow!” 😉
Be our brand ambassadors for Christ!


Speak about us to your family, friends, colleagues, Church, organization, neighbours and promote us on your social media handles – Insta, Whatsapp, FB, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. 

If you think our content and expertise can bless an audience, do invite us to invest Christ in lives for eternal transformations

Invite Us to your event by filling the form below.

This ministry is an initiative by tentmakers that use their professional training, skills and expertise to raise finances to sustain their personal and family needs.


However, to grow and sustain this ministry effort – to be able to speak in various settings and cities, write and publish, broadcast and be visible on social media platforms, etc., we need people that can identify with this work and give to grow this work.


We have observed that there is a subtle sense of ‘entitlement’ that givers exhibit towards receivers (individuals and ministries) unawares! Interestingly, we’ve also observed that receivers grow a sense of ‘obligation’ to the givers (individuals). We do understand the value of accountability, while at the same time we reckon that both a ‘sense of entitlement’ and a ‘sense of personal obligation’ are unhealthy for ministries and ministers that endeavour to be transparent and honour Christ alone, supremely.


While we would be financially transparent about support received through a public financial statement that we’d release every year, we want our donors to be anonymous and that stems from the principle of giving that Jesus taught in the scriptures. No amount is too small or big! We value any amount given cheerfully and understand that God is no debtor of any man. 

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