Our story
“My tryst with ‘thinking deeply’ about faith happened as I was watching a debate video recommended by a young Islamic friend. There were so many questions about my Christian faith that were asked as part of the debate that I figured weren’t effectively answered. When I attempted answering them for myself, I soon realised the inadequacy and the superficiality of my knowledge and understanding of my Christian faith that I’d so sincerely tried to live.
This took me on a journey! A rather interesting one where I took a break from my healthcare career of over a decade at CMC Hospital, Vellore and teamed with my wife Priscilla to pursue this new found passion to dig deeper about my faith. Soon I found myself learning on the job as part of a global apologetics ministry, donning multiple hats across various departments – training, youth apologetics, research and development, writing and speaking as a global itinerant team member, spanning over a decade.
Later, I was invited to join a more specialized Scientific Apologetics organization, Reasons To Believe, Asia Pacific as Apologetics and Research consultant. After helping them set-up and serving with them for a year and a half as a full-time staff, I've now transitioned to a more honorary role. However, as an RTB Scholar, I would continue being associated with them.
This 12 year learning curve has taken me places, national and international and given me much exposure and has helped me interact closely with the who's who of apologetics. As part of the Masters in Christian Apologetics program in Biola, I've had the rare privilege of sitting under and interacting with subject matter experts in Theology, Philosophy and Apologetics.
I desire to bring all this to bear at Think Christ Apologetics along with my wife Priscilla an intense and passionate disciple and natural defender of Christ and other dear thinker-theologian-missional Friends that I hold in high regard for their walk that validates their talk!
This is a feeble attempt to see how we could initiate and spearhead a movement of Christo-centric thinking and living. We value your prayers, participation and partnership in this endeavour.
Being Dil-Logical!
A while ago I was in Chennai for two weeks with a class of twenty aspiring apologists from all across the country. There was something peculiar about this bunch that caught my attention from day one. It is not very surprising in such settings to find people who are extremely intellectual and focused, often pulling […]
Charles Joseph
Biblical insights on demon possession, pertaining to psychological ill-health
Demons are fallen angels. Demons are real. Demon possession is a Biblically supported spiritual phenomenon. There’s no taking away from that. In the Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis’ wisdom on the reality of Evil, is super helpful; All of this came powerfully to mind this week in a reading of John 13:34. Mandatum novum, as it reads […]
Charles Joseph
Can Christians experience Psychological ill-health?
The Bible informs us that sin led to the fall and ushered in death (spiritual-relational death instantly and physical death eventually). The moment Adam and Eve sinned, they died spiritually-relationally, their bond with their Maker was severed. And as if this were not enough, their bond with their self, their bond with each other, their […]
Charles Joseph
What are some broad causes of Psychological ill-health?
People in the healthcare industry have much reason to be humble. Not only is it difficult to treat various illnesses, we also struggle profoundly in the area of diagnosis and aetiology (causes). The human body is so profound and complex. So various health-illness models have been proposed and obviously they all fall short in different […]
Charles Joseph
How do churches commonly look at psychological illness?
Let me start with a disclaimer: Don’t hear what I’m NOT saying! This is a weighty question and I would resist a broad-stroke response to this. Different Churches look at psychological illness differently. There are some, especially in the West that are very perceptive and understanding. The urban churches in India are trying hard to […]
Charles Joseph
The Think Christ Apologetics (TCA) Official YT Channel endeavours to present content that encourages an integration of “faith in Christ and reason.”
Through this channel we desire to build resources necessary for ‘thinking christians’ and ‘seeking thinkers’!
Resources that would help effectively explore, examine, defend and commend the Gospel of Jesus Christ for ourselves and others that are open, keen and brave to pursue Truth, wherever it may lead!
Open to serving with us?
Current Opportunities
- Mission Internships (Bible College Students/Graduates & Others – Content Research, Written responses to Q&As, Online Surveys, Live Street polls, etc.)
- Volunteer work (Gap-year students, Between jobs, Discerning career-choices, etc – Learning, Reading, Admin help, Accounting, etc.)
- Tentmaker associations (Working elsewhere but also want to collaborate with us at an honorary level – Writing, Speaking, Podcasting, Collaborating, Networking, etc.)
- Paid hourly/project-based (Social Media and Creatives, Videography, Post-production, Web-support, etc.)
Do you feel called to missions in some capacity?
It could be full-time, part-time, freelancing, tent-making, in-person, remote working. We are flexible and any format is welcome!
Our desire is to create a workplace environment for a diverse group of like-minded people passionate to exalt and emulate Jesus Christ in their walk and talk, to think and act like him and to progressively and passionately desire to conform to his image ultimately.
We are careful and keen to create a relational work environment where people matter more than projects, character more than competence and Jesus Christ matters more than anything – including us!
We desire to give each staff a sense of purpose, belonging, value and worth – striving to be maximally collaborative with a commitment to excellence.