About Us

Charles Premkumar Joseph is the Co-Founder & Co-Steward at Think Christ Apologetics

Prior to founding Think Christ Apologetics (TCA) he served as Consultant-Director (Apologetics & Research) at Reasons To Believe, Asia Pacific.  Charles continues to be a member of the RTB Global Scholar Community and also associated with RTB, Asia Pacific at an honorary level.

An alumnus of the renowned Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore. With a post professional Masters in Cardio-Pulmonary Physical Therapy he served as both a Lecturer and Lead Clinical Therapist in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. In over a decade of illustrious clinical practice with clientele ranging from Chief Ministers to the poorest of the poor, Charles distinguishing himself as an expert in Soft Tissue Pain Management and Haemophilia Rehabilitation. 

As part of a tent-making effort, Charles is currently devoting a portion of his time in building an exclusive empathetic (having recovered non-surgically from two major multi-level disc prolapses) Spine Pain-relief Physiotherapy Practice – Charlie’s Spine Klinic (CSK).

Charles additionally holds a Masters in Psychology and also currently pursuing his MA in Christian Apologetics from the esteemed Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, USA. 

Answering the call to rehabilitate the soul and not merely the body, he made a major career shift in 2010 and since joined the RZIM team full-time and served as an Itinerant Speaker and Writer. Over his 10+ year tenure at RZIM he’s served variously in different functions like – Training, Research and Development, Teen Apologetics and Curricular Design for the RZIM Academy, India (RCCA). He was also the Editor of Engage, RZIM India’s online apologetics quarterly. 

He is also one of the contributing editors of the book, Maha Satguru Yeshu, published by the Bible Society of India and numerous articles and Q&A’s on Apologetics, Theology, Worldview, Culture, Comparative Religion and Christology. 

Charles has spoken at various settings and enjoys his intellectual engagements with audiences young and old on a variety of topics. He enjoys public and private Q&A’s and delights in discussing faith one-on-one with both seekers and skeptics. He is keen on innovating and pioneering creative formats of presentation and believes in maximizing the use of technology to enhance reach and has a heart to invest in newer grounds. His areas of interest include – Uniqueness of Christ, Comparative religion, Contemporary issues, Emotional health and Conversational apologetics. 

He makes his home in Vellore, South India, with his wife Priscilla, their daughter, Mishaelle and both their sets of parents and their dear Lab Toffee!